
5 ‘off-pole’ conditioning exercises that you can do anywhere to help build strength and endurance

5 ‘off-pole’ conditioning exercises that you can do anywhere to help build strength and endurance

Many pole dancing moves require a combination of strength and flexibility. Strength training helps build the power needed to execute dynamic and controlled movements on the pole. 

Building strength is paramount for polers because it provides a foundation for helping you master and execute various pole moves and tricks and building strength and flexibility is fundamental in pole for maintaining balance, control, and executing intricate spins and holds. 

So, we have pulled together 5 ‘off-pole’ conditioning exercises that you can do anywhere to help build strength and endurance and complement your pole practice. Don’t forget to warm up before starting these exercises, and gradually increase the intensity as your strength and endurance improve. Consistent off-pole conditioning will contribute to better performance on the pole and help reduce the risk of injuries.

#1 Plank with Leg Lifts 

How to: Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Lift one leg off the ground, keeping it straight, and hold for a few seconds. Alternate legs. This exercise engages your core, shoulders, and legs and helps improve your overall stability and balance. 

#2 Bodyweight Squats 

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, as if sitting into a chair. Keep your chest up and go as low as comfortable. Push through your heels to return to the starting position. This exercise is great for building strength in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. 

#3 Resistance Rows 

How to: Grab some TRX straps or resistance bands and pull to chest height. Hold, lean back, and keep your body straight. Pull your chest up towards to engage your back muscles, then control your descent back to the starting position. This exercise targets your upper back muscles and biceps. 

#4 Russian Twists

How to: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight. Hold your hands together and rotate your torso to one side, bringing your hands towards the floor. Return to the centre and rotate to the other side. This exercise is excellent for engaging your obliques and will help improve your rotational strength. 

#5 Lunges with a Twist 

How to: Start with your feet hip-width apart. Take a step forward with your right foot into a lunge, ensuring both of your knees are bent at 90-degree angles. Twist your torso to the right, bringing your left elbow towards your right knee. Return to the starting position and switch legs. This exercise will help build strength in your legs and core and helps improve your balance.

X-POLE also has a bunch of strength and training aids to help you on your pole journey. 

Of course, as we all know – the best work out for pole, is on the pole! Think of this as your back up list for building strength when your skin is sore, your pole is packed away, or you’re travelling and unable to train.